Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rapid DNA Testing: Rare Diseases

     A five-week old child fought for her life at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. From the day she was born, the child experienced countless seizures and doctors were unsure why. Every medication possible was diagnosed and tested and all failed, after weeks of desperation the family decided to let go of their baby. Doctors suspected that this rare occurrence was due to a genetic disorder. During this unfortunate situation the hospital was studying how to quickly analyze the DNA of newborns and identify particular mutations that cause disease. The recent study of early detection was published in the magazine Science Translational Medicine and is a proof of concept. A report was conducted with four babies that it is possible to “quickly scan a baby’s entire DNA and pinpoint a disease-causing mutation” within a few days than the average weeks to months period. The baby had a mortal gene mutation, so rare that it had been reported just once before. Doctors analyzed a sample of the newborns blood and within 50 hours their conclusion was the rare gene mutation. This test could have been followed through within days of the newborns birth however, “there was no treatment, there was not anything that could have changed the outcome,” Dr. Petrikin said. “But we could have more appropriately counseled the family and bypassed what had to have been intense suffering.”

* Information obtained at 
* Pictures obtained at &

 Figure 11.1

 Figure 11.2

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